Submit an application

Gesuch einreichen

Your organisation plans to develop innovative products, services or processes. To do so, you need the expertise of a Swiss research institute. Then you should join forces and realise your innovation project together.

Innosuisse co-funds innovation projects that companies and private and public institutions conduct jointly with research partners.


Innovation projects explained in two minutes:

Requirements for submitting an application

Project partners who want to submit an application must meet certain requirements.


As a company or as private or public institution (so-called implementation partner)

As an implementation partner, you must meet these four requirements:

  • Your company or private or public institution must operate in Switzerland and engage in value-creating activities.
  • You assume the project costs incurred in your company in the amount of 40–60% of the total project costs
  • You are willing to cover expenses of the research partner (known as the cash contribution) in the amount of at least 5% of the total project costs
  • A Swiss research partner must be prepared to implement an innovation project with you.

As researcher

You must work at a Swiss research institution. Your research institution (the so-called research partner of the project) must belong to one of the following categories:

  • Higher education research centres as per Art. 4, Letter c of the RIPA
  • Non-commercial research centres outside the higher education sector in accordance with Art. 5 of the RIPA
  • Government bodies as per Art. 16 (3) of the RIPA which carry out their own research for the purpose of fulfilling their mandates
  • Federal research institutes according to Art. 17 of the RIPA
  • A company must want to realise an innovation project with you as a research partner.

Please note that research and development partners should be independent of each other in terms of finance and personnel. They must also respect the code of scientific integrity. Projects or activities that are contrary to scientific integrity or good scientific practice are not encouraged.

For more information, see the evaluation criteria.

Innovation topics

Innosuisse supports projects from all fields of innovation and interdisciplinary projects.


What your application should include

The submission of an Innosuisse project application requires substantial preliminary clarifications and preparatory work before the application is submitted. Important information in relation to the innovation content and the value creation must already be available and indicated in the application (for example: results from literature research, (market) need assessments/demonstrate potential demand, market analyses including competitor analysis/analysis of existing solutions and providers in the field).

If you want to submit an application, please include the required information explained in the following checklist (PDF, 186 kB, 19.12.2023). This list is not exhaustive. Please refer also to the descriptions of the individual chapters when submitting your application on the Innosuisse application platform.


Submit your application

Do you meet the requirements? Then enter your application on the Innosuisse online application platform.

After the application has been submitted, Innosuisse will start the evaluation process.

Application platform Innosuisse

Other funding opportunities

> Do you, as an SME, need support in launching your innovation project or in finding a partner?
Small and medium-sized organisations (up to 250 full-time equivalents) can apply for support from an innovation mentor at Innosuisse.

> As an SME or smaller organisation, do you have an innovation idea, but are not sure whether it is feasible?
The Innosuisse innovation cheque enables small and medium-sized organisations (up to 250 full-time equivalents) to test the feasibility of their innovation ideas with a research partner.

> Are you a research institution without an implementation partner?
Innosuisse funds innovation projects by researchers who have not yet found a partner to implement the result. We particularly provide support for highly innovative yet risky projects.

> Do you want to know if your idea could be patented?
Are you in the process of submitting an application for an innovation project to Innosuisse? Then you can benefit free of charge from an assisted patent search by the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property (IPI).


Last modification 17.06.2024

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Project and Programme Funding



Energy & Environment
Nicolas Martin
Suzana Kolly
Nicole Schöni

+41 58 465 33 72

Matthias Furler
Davi Chung
Martina Ghisletta

+41 58 462 81 47

Sybille Aeschbacher
Donat Rüttimann
Fatma Sahindal

+41 58 467 17 55

Life Sciences
Pascale Hirschi
Thomas Martignier
Ramona Schürch
Imane Benabdesselam

+41 58 464 19 85

Social Sciences & Business Management
Sandra Villiger
Joséphine Irion

+41 58 462 86 51

Audit and Assurance

+41 58 463 22 92


Print contact

Application platform Innosuisse

Innosuisse application platforms

The Innosuisse platforms are used to submit and manage applications to Innosuisse. Project partners and start-ups can submit applications. Innosuisse members can access the projects and cases assigned to them.

FAQ about Innosuisse

Questions & answers

You will find the answers to frequently asked questions about innovation projects, start-up coaching and other Innosuisse instruments here.

Patent research

End of free services with the Federal Institute of Intellectual Property (IPI)

The patent search services previously offered free of charge to Innosuisse applicants via the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property have been discontinued.

However, costs associated with research into intellectual property issues may still be covered as part of the direct project costs chargeable for approved applications from the following funding schemes:

  • Innovation projects with or without partners
  • Innovation projects for start-ups
  • Swiss Accelerator