Evaluation and decision

Evaluation und Entscheid

Your application will first be formally reviewed by the Secretariat of Innosuisse. Then it will be assessed by two independent experts according to the applicable criteria. With the help of this assessment, the Innovation Council of Innosuisse will decide whether to fund your project. This process usually takes 6 to 8 weeks.


Criteria for evaluating your application

The experts assess the quality of the applications submitted on the basis of the following criteria:

  • Level of innovation: Is the scientific and economic approach novel?
    Specifically: What makes your innovation unique? What are the scientific, technological or social innovations?
  • Value creation for the Swiss economy or society: Does the implementation of the research results on the market have a positive influence on the competitive situation of your organisation?
    Specifically: What is the positive added value? Does your product have a unique selling point? What is the sales and earnings potential? What value can industry partners or other implementation partners add?
  • For innovation projects in social sciences: Will successful implementation of the project demonstrably reduce social costs and create societal added value (e.g. reducing poverty, increasing quality of life, improving the quality of education, reducing injustice, promoting biodiversity)?
  • Methodological quality: Quality of the project's structure, e.g. are the goals and milestones quantitative and realistic? Is the cost-benefit ratio reasonable?
  • Expertise of project partners: Do the project partners have the expertise needed to carry out the project and implement it as intended on the market?
  • Contribution to the sustainable development of society, the economy and the environment: The innovation contributes to the sustainable development of society, the economy and/or the environment (e.g. to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals).


The Innovation Council of Innosuisse decides on your application in five thematic subgroups.


Submit your application at least 6 weeks in advance of a meeting of the Innovation Council. If the evaluation proceeds smoothly, the application can be dealt with at the next meeting. You will receive a decision on your application in 6 to 8 weeks. 


Dates of evaluation meetings of the Innovation Council

Jan. 2024 26.01.2024 29.01.2024 31.01.2024 24.01.2024 25.01.2024
Feb. 2024          
Mar. 2024 15.03.2024 06.03.2024 06.03.2024 06.03.2024 07.03.2024
Apr. 2024 12.04.2024 10.04.2024 10.04.2024 10.04.2024 08.04.2024
May 2024 24.05.2024 29.05.2024 22.05.2024 17.05.2024 22.05.2024
June 2024          
July 2024 05.07.2024 03.07.2024 03.07.2024 03.07.2024 04.07.2024
Aug. 2024          
Sept. 2024 12.09.2024 11.09.2024 04.09.2024 11.09.2024 12.09.2024
Oct. 2024 01.11.2024 16.10.2024 23.10.2024 23.10.2024 24.10.2024
Nov. 2024 29.11.2024 20.11.2024 20.11.2024 27.11.2024 27.11.2024
Dec. 2024          
The meeting dates are based on an annual planning. Innosuisse reserves the right to change dates. *
E&E: Energy & Environment
ENG: Engineering
ICT: Information & Communications Technologies
LS: Life Sciences
SSBM: Social Sciences & Business Management

Your application is approved

Following the decision of the Innovation Council, Innosuisse will inform you of the approval in writing by e-mail within two weeks. Projects may also be approved subject to conditions. Prior to starting the project, you must conclude a subsidy contract with Innosuisse.


Your application is rejected

Following a negative decision by the Innovation Council, Innosuisse will inform you of such in writing by IncaMail within two weeks. The reasons for the rejection will be explained in the decision. An appeal against the decision can be lodged with the Federal Administrative Court within 30 days.

You can revise a rejected application at any time and re-submit it to Innosuisse as a new application, provided that the new application remedies the shortcomings and integrates the recommendations noted in the rejection decision. The changes must be easily identifiable: please explain them in an accompanying letter or highlight them in colour in the application. The newly submitted application will be re-evaluated according to the usual evaluation process.



Support for project revision

Last modification 19.12.2023

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Project and Programme Funding



Energy & Environment
Nicolas Martin
Suzana Kolly
Nicole Schöni

+41 58 465 33 72

Matthias Furler
Davi Chung
Martina Ghisletta

+41 58 462 81 47

Sybille Aeschbacher
Donat Rüttimann
Fatma Sahindal

+41 58 467 17 55

Life Sciences
Pascale Hirschi
Thomas Martignier
Ramona Schürch
Imane Benabdesselam

+41 58 464 19 85

Social Sciences & Business Management
Sandra Villiger
Joséphine Irion

+41 58 462 86 51

Audit and Assurance

+41 58 463 22 92


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Questions & answers

You will find the answers to frequently asked questions about innovation projects, start-up coaching and other Innosuisse instruments here.
