Entering the market in Brazil

What to expect in Brazil?

Market validation and entry: Start-ups can conduct market research to validate business hypothesis, identify potential customers and partners, confirm that Brazil is a worthwhile market, and prepare and implement entry strategies.

Network: Start-ups have access to a network of experts and mentors specialising in science, technology and doing business in Brazil. In addition, start-ups are connected with local organisations, research institutes, can participate in trade shows and can take advantage of co-working spaces in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.

Product validation: Start-ups have the opportunity to validate their product or service in a highly adaptive and diverse market of over 200 million inhabitants. Swiss technologies are well received throughout the country, but it is essential to bridge the Brazilian business culture, language, regulatory, and legal system. In collaboration with partner organisations in various verticals, the start-up is put on a highway to market validation, thereby saving costs and time.

Follow-up: Stable, long-term relationships are key to ensuring the success of a business, with interpersonal connections being particularly highly valued in Brazil. Swissnex in Brazil maintains contact with the start-up and its stakeholders after the camp ends and represents the start-up’s mission in Brazil, e.g. through events or a communication campaign.

Last modification 14.03.2023

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Information and registration for the camp in Brazil
Bianca Campos
Vincent Neumann
Swissnex in Brazil
E-mail Bianca
E-mail Vincent

Information and Counselling Services at Innosuisse
Marcel Hofstetter
+41 58 480 86 40

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