Funding examples

Innovation projects

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Innovation in the air traffic control service

Thanks to support from Innosuisse, the Geneva-based SME Skysoft-ATM has developed a technology that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to assist air traffic controllers.

Contrinex - A traditonal company shifts its focus to innovation

The latest creation from Contrinex: an intelligent sensor with integrated object recognition. «This allows quality control in industrial production to be automated cost-effectively».


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UniSieve - Revolutionise heavy industry

UniSieve is blowing winds of change into the heavy industry sector with it's new innovation – environmentally-friendly molecular separation technology. Faced with the urgent need to decarbonise, the industry is struggling to reduce its energy consumption. This is due to the high temperature requirements of conventional chemical separation processes. UniSieve’s approach is groundbreaking. Using sieving membranes, the start-up breaks down large molecules by filtering them.

A trip to Japan to discover the Asian market

Thanks to Innosuisse's internationalisation camps, two dimpora employees had recently the opportunity to visit Japan to meet potential customers and to look at ways of achieving large-scale production.

Innovation mentoring

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Innovative with an optimised international network: a customer journey of a Swiss SME

For a Swiss SME, finding the right partners with which to develop innovative products is no easy task. The Bern-based company Rebus Labs also found this to be a challenge – but one that it was able to overcome thanks to networking opportunities provided by the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN).

Programme BRIDGE

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Solaxer - Lausanne start-up hopes to help industry switch to solar heating

Solaxer has increases the efficiency of the receivers and that does not oxidise, even at temperatures of up to 400 degrees.

Enerdrape - Sustainable energy from the underground car park

“Innovation enjoys a higher priority in Switzerland than in other countries.”

Energy funding programme SCCER

Keine Resultate

Women entrepreneurs

Keine Resultate

Last modification 30.11.2022

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