Funding decision and project start

Swiss Accelerator_4_Funding decision and project start

Funding decision and contract from Innosuisse

A final assessment is made, based on the presentation. The Innovation Council of Innosuisse will make a final decision on your application.

In the assessment, the text of the funding ordinance and the corresponding implementing provisions are always determining.

Innosuisse will inform you of the funding decision in writing:

  • If the Innovation Council approves your application, you will receive a contract from Innosuisse before the project starts.
  • If the Innovation Council rejects your application, Innosuisse will inform you of the rejection in writing. The reasons for rejection will be explained in the decision. An appeal against the decision from Innosuisse can be lodged with the Federal Administrative Court within 30 days.

You can start with your Swiss Accelerator project as soon as you have received and signed the contract from Innosuisse and sent it back to Innosuisse. The first payment from Innosuisse is 50 percent of the grant at the start of the project.

NOTE: Please inform Innosuisse of the specific date of the start of your Swiss Accelerator project by email to

Admission to Initial Start-up Coaching

All start-up companies that make an application presentation for the Swiss Accelerator programme are automatically eligible to participate in the Initial Start-up Coaching. These companies only need to submit a formal application for this. The condition is that a start-up wants to benefit from this coaching offer and that it is not already participating in the Innosuisse coaching programme. The coaching offer provides start-ups with additional help in business development.

Last modification 22.12.2022

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Swiss Accelerator

Ursula Brunner
Kathrin Kramer
Laura Lang
Donat Rüttimann
Alessia Salmina
Jade Son-u-Ta

+41 58 465 96 44


Audit and Assurance
Jörn Graf

+41 58 465 01 25

Print contact

Application platform Innosuisse

Application platform

The Innolink platform is used to submit and manage applications to Innosuisse. 

FAQ zu Innosuisse

Frequently Asked Questions

Find the FAQ about the Swiss Accelerator here. (PDF, 257 kB, 04.10.2023)

Patent research

End of free services with the Federal Institute of Intellectual Property (IPI)

The patent search services previously offered free of charge to Innosuisse applicants via the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property have been discontinued.

However, costs associated with research into intellectual property issues may still be covered as part of the direct project costs chargeable for approved applications from the following funding schemes:

  • Innovation projects with or without partners
  • Innovation projects for start-ups
  • Swiss Accelerator