
Does your small or medium-sized enterprise (SME) want to strengthen its competitiveness and develop an innovative product or service with foreign partner companies or research teams? The Eurostars programme can help you do just that. Eurostars promotes cooperation across all thematic areas with partners from 33 European countries, as well as from Canada, South Africa and South Korea. This initiative is aimed in particular at SMEs developing products or services that offer a decisive advantage over existing solutions.

You can submit your application for the Eurostars programme through calls for projects, which are usually held twice a year.

This support offer is aimed at innovative SMEs, large companies and research institutions.

Eurostars is a joint initiative of Eureka and the European Union and is part of the European Partnership on Innovative SMEs. The Eureka Secretariat oversees the evaluation of applications and reporting on projects for all participating countries, located centrally out of Brussels. Innosuisse is responsible for issuing contracts, paying out funding and performing financial reporting in Switzerland.

Eurostars projects: Step-by-step process


Other support offers

> As an SME, do you need help developing your project?
As a small or medium-sized enterprise (up to 250 full-time equivalents), you can apply for support from Innosuisse for an innovation mentor.

> As an SME, do you need help finding an international project partner?
As an SME, you can take advantage of the free support offered by an advisor from the Enterprise Europe network (EEN).

> Would you like to carry out an innovation project with Swiss partners only?
Innosuisse supports science-based innovation projects carried out by Swiss companies, SMEs, start-ups and other private or public organisations together with Swiss research partners.


Last modification 14.06.2024

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Eurostars Project Coordinator Switzerland
Janique Siffert
+41 58 466 70 70


Print contact



The EUREKA Secretariat holds a Webinar for applicants for the Eurostars-3 Call 7 on Wednesday, 10 July 2024 from 10:30 – 12:00 (CET).


International calls for projects

Find out about all current calls for projects for international programmes.

Patent research

End of free services with the Federal Institute of Intellectual Property (IPI)

The patent search services previously offered free of charge to Innosuisse applicants via the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property have been discontinued.

However, costs associated with research into intellectual property issues may still be covered as part of the direct project costs chargeable for approved applications from the following funding schemes:

  • Innovation projects with or without partners
  • Innovation projects for start-ups
  • Swiss Accelerator