Globalstars projects

As a Swiss company, you would like to carry out an innovation project together with a Swiss or international research institute with partner companies outside the Eureka initiative. With Globalstars, you will develop new innovation partnerships worldwide. With this support offer, you can work together with partners in large or emerging innovation countries with high growth momentum.

Calls for proposals, conditions and evaluation

In Globalstars projects, partners from several Eureka countries work together with a non-European country that is not a member of Eureka. Innosuisse publishes all Globalstars calls for proposals.


Call for proposals

There is currently no open call for proposals at Globalstars. More information on international calls for proposals.

The duration of the projects is specified in the calls for proposals; it is usually a maximum of 36 months for Globalstars projects. Provided it is sensible for your project and the cost-benefit ratio is right, there is no financial limit on applications. Innosuisse covers a maximum of 70 percent of the project costs of Swiss participants.

Since 2023, Innosuisse is able to make direct project contributions to companies in international innovation projects:

Innosuisse will review your funding application, while the relevant partner agency will review the funding application of your partners abroad. Eureka coordinates the funding decisions in the individual countries and is responsible for approval at an international level.


Submit application

Together with your international partners, submit a Smart Simple application and at the same time a project application to Innosuisse for the Swiss part of the consortium. The process, evaluation criteria, and application submission are exactly the same as for Swiss innovation projects.

  1. Apply for the international project
    > Platform for the Smart Simple application
  2. Submit the funding application to Innosuisse
    > To the Innosuisse submission platform

As an additional element, applicants must do the following for Innosuisse:

  • Upload the document describing the international project (Smart Simple application) as an attachment to the application.

Last modification 20.12.2022

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Team Eureka Network and Eureka Cluster Projects
Colette John-Grant
Christoph Bigler

+41 58 466 77 32

Team Eurostars
Janqiue Siffert
Sabrina Maurer

+41 58 466 70 70

Print contact


International calls

Find out about all current calls for proposals for international programmes.