Submit application


As a Swiss company or research institution, you are developing key digital technology.

Current KDT Call

The current KDT Call is published on the Innosuisse website.

Requirements for submitting an application

Swiss partners participating in KDT projects must fulfill following formal criteria:

  • Any consortium needs a minimum of 3 independent partners from 3 different EU Member States or associated countries, of which at least one is based in an EU Member State. Participants from Switzerland are considered as addition to these 3.
  • Participants from Switzerland cannot coordinate projects. They can however lead work packages as any other participant.
  • Participants from Switzerland cannot participate in Coordination and Support Actions (CSA), except where there is an explicit reference.
  • At least one of the Swiss participants in a consortium must be a for-profit company from Switzerland.
  • The share of the total eligible costs of the Swiss for-profit partner/s must be higher than the share of the Swiss academic partner/s.

Swiss partners must either be registered with the Swiss Register of Commerce or be a recognised research institution. Each Swiss partner must cover a part of the project budget through their in-kind contribution. Projects must meet all formal requirements which are to be found on the KDT Website.

Amount of funding for your KDT project

SERI will cover the EU Co-funding through the transient measures for Horizon Europe.

The rates differ in percentage as follows:

EU Contribution (SERI) IA Call
Innovation Action
RIA Call
Research and Innovation Action
Large Enterprise >250 Employees
(for profit organization but not an SME)
20% 25%
SME <250 Employees
(for profit SME)
30% 35%
University/Other (not for profit) 35% 35%

Innosuisse will cover the national contribution as follows:

National Contribution
IA Call
Innovation Action
RIA Call
Research and Innovation Action
Large Enterprise >250 Employees
(for profit organization but not an SME)
10% 10%
SME <250 Employees
(for profit SME)
30% 35%
University/Other (not for profit) 35% 35%

Submit an application to KDT

The KDT JU manages the application procedure and the evaluation centrally. All relevant in-formation and documents are to be found on the KDT Call Website. Swiss partners must use the on-line tools provided for this purpose by the European Commission through its “Participant Portal”, which can be accessed via the call pages (please check corresponding guidelines and contact the project coordinator in case of questions).

Swiss partners participate in KDT proposals as “associated partners” (which is not to be con-fused with the term ‘associated country’). Maximum 5 months after the cut-off date the evaluation results and funding decisions are communicated. Maximum 3 months later the Grant Agreements are signed. The projects above the evaluation threshold will be funded following the classification in the ranking list, if sufficient funds are available.

Last modification 18.01.2023

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Coordinator Switzerland

Larissa Beutler
+41 58 467 16 05


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