Eye drops to combat glaucoma

Glaucoma is the second most common cause of blindness after cataracts. In Switzerland, more than 100,000 people suffer from glaucoma. The figure is over 64 million worldwide. The damage to the optic nerve cells is caused firstly by interruption in the supply of blood to the eye, leading to a lack of oxygen and nutrients, and, secondly, by insufficient elimination of harmful dietary fibres. “There is an urgent need for more effective treatment for this group of eye diseases which can cause irreversible damage to nerve fibres,” says Dr Paola Atzei, Project Manager at Topadur Pharma AG.

Topadur is implementation partner in an innovation project supported by Innosuisse
A research assistant at Topadur is investigating the effects of a new active ingredient.

Existing drugs used to treat glaucoma are aimed at reducing intraocular pressure. But less than half of glaucoma patients actually have high intraocular pressure, at least in the early stages of the disease. The neuroimmunologist explained that blood circulation also plays a major role in glaucoma. The two factors then interact. “If the microcirculation in the vessels of the eye can be regulated and blood circulation improved, intraocular pressure also decreases. The eyes will then remain healthy.”

"We’re a small company in an international environment – that’s why it’s vitally important that we drive our research forward quickly.”

Dr Paola Atzei, Project Manager at Topadur Pharma AG

With the support of Innosuisse and in collaboration with the University of Zurich and the Institute of Molecular and Clinical Ophthalmology at the University Hospital of Basel, the Swiss start-up Topadur is conducting research into a new active ingredient that improves microcirculation in the eye and removes fibre. Eye drops are set to be launched on the market in 2026.

Last modification 27.06.2022

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Dr Paola Atzei

Project Manager at Topadur Pharma AG

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