Project reporting


During your innovation project, you will need to submit reports. These will provide Innosuisse with insights into the progress of the project. You must discuss and request approval for important changes to your innovation project with Innosuisse in advance.

Requesting changes to your innovation project

Innosuisse ( must be notified in writing of any significant changes without delay and before they are implemented. The changes may only be made with the consent of Innosuisse.

The following, in particular, constitute significant changes:

  • Changes of key people in the project
  • Changes in the project plan or project objectives
  • Changes in your company that may have an impact on the project and the eligibility requirements (e.g. changes in shareholders, planned entry into a group of companies, imminent or actual over-indebtedness or insolvency, departure from Switzerland).
  • Significant deterioration of the risk situation

If you are uncertain about the eligibility of planned material costs, we recommend that you contact Innosuisse in advance.

Extended Project Review

During your start-up innovation project, you must report to Innosuisse on the project's progress.

At least one Extended Project Review is envisaged per project. Information on this will be made available directly i in Innolink in Q1 2024.

The status report must be sent to Innosuisse ( for evaluation no later than 10 days after the milestone has been reached.

The Extended Project Review consists of the following parts:

a)  a standardised status report on the progress and implementation of the project;

b)    a standardisied financial report on the project costs; and

c)     an update on your corporate finances.

A review meeting will be held after the three reports have been examined. Innosuisse will contact you in good time to define the date.

a) Status Report

The project progress report must show the status of activities compared to the original plan in the application, in particular with regard to the achievement of the defined milestones and deliverables. For this reason, we recommend that you make sure that these milestones are clearly defined (in terms of content and time) and quantified from the start of the project onwards.

b) Report on the project costs

Innosuisse wants to find out the current status of the project costs and ensure the legitimacy of the expenditure. The following evidence is relevant for this:

  1.  Documentation of project-related personnel costs based on hourly reports of all persons involved in the project. The hours can be proven either by an extract from an ERP system or by means of time sheets as per the template (a template will be sent if required).
  2. Wage-related documents (employment contracts, wage statements)
  3. Documentation of project-related costs for material and external services by means of ERP extracts or copies of invoice receipts.

To enter the material costs, please note the document eligible material costs (PDF, 110 kB, 29.01.2024).

As part of its review of the legitimate use of project funds, Innosuisse may conduct or commission additional financial audits.

Important: Innosuisse contributes a percentage of the total project costs. The total project costs must therefore also be proven (in the reporting, there is no further division of the total project costs into categories borne by Innosuisse and categories borne by your company).

c) Update on corporate finances

Innosuisse checks whether your company can continue to finance the project. The documents below must be submitted for this purpose:

  1. Annual report of the last full business year
  2. Interim financial statements as of 30 June if the milestone report is prepared after 30 June of the calendar year
  3. Updated financial information (especially cashflow planning) incl. Explanation of significant changes
  4. Update of the risk map incl. explanation of significant changes
  5. Overview of current shareholders (disclosure of all beneficial owners, including those of convertibles)

The templates will be made available directly in Innolink in Q1 2024.

Last modification 29.01.2024

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Project and Programme Funding


Energy & Environment
Nicolas Martin
Suzana Kolly
Nicole Schöni

+41 58 465 33 72

Matthias Furler
Davi Chung
Martina Ghisletta

+41 58 462 81 47

Sybille Aeschbacher
Donat Rüttimann
Fatma Sahindal

+41 58 467 17 55

Life Sciences
Pascale Hirschi
Thomas Martignier
Ramona Schürch
Imane Benabdesselam

+41 58 464 19 85

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Sandra Villiger
Joséphine Irion

+41 58 462 86 51

Audit and Assurance
Jörn Graf

+41 58 465 01 25

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