Swiss Accelerator: Innosuisse supports 53 innovation projects by SMEs and start-ups

Innosuisse launched a call for projects for the Swiss Accelerator in 2022 as a transitional measure for Horizon Europe. Following a three-stage assessment process, Innosuisse has now approved 53 innovation projects by SMEs and start-ups with significant innovation potential.

Three independent experts evaluated each of the 752 short applications and the 128 full applications. Of these, 64 selected companies gave an application presentation in the third round before the Innovation Council made a final decision. The total funding granted amounts to CHF 112 million.

The 53 approved innovation projects within the framework of the Swiss Accelerator are divided thematically as follows:

Innosuisse figures Swiss Accelerator

The regional distribution in Switzerland can be seen in the chart below:

Innosuisse figures Swiss Accelerator by regions

These companies receive funding within the framework of the Swiss Accelerator

Innosuisse supports the innovation projects of the following SMEs and start-ups within the scope of the Swiss Accelerator:

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Last modification 02.05.2023

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Lukas Krienbühl

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