Promoting the sustainability of cities and urban areas

Cities and urban areas must be transformed into regenerative and liveable places to address the climate crisis and improve the quality of urban life for all. Is your organisation concerned with the sustainability challenges facing cities?

The European partnership Driving Urban Transitions (DUT) allows linking your work with that of European partners to accelerate the transition of European cities to sustainability. This partnership, composed of 27 partners, builds on the JPI Urban Europe programme, and aims to develop a transnational research and innovation (R&I) programme to support transitions from urban areas to climate neutral, inclusive and sustainable areas.

The partnership focuses on three areas that present urban planning challenges: Energy, mobility, circular economy and their interrelationships. Therefore, real urban laboratories will be created to encourage interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary collaborations.

This programme is for:

  • All types of organisations and entities that can contribute to the DUT vision: SMEs, start-ups, for-profit and non-profit organisations, smart cities, research partners, local or regional government entities.

DUT projects: step by step procedure


Other support offers

> As an SME, do you need help developing your project?
As a small and medium-sized organisation (up to 250 full-time equivalents), you can apply for support from an innovation mentor from Innosuisse for this purpose.

> As an SME, do you need help finding an international project partner?
As an SME, you can take advantage of the free support of an EEN advisor for this purpose.

> Would you like to carry out an innovation project with Swiss partners only?
Innosuisse supports science-based innovation projects that Swiss companies, SMEs, start-ups and other private or public organisations carry out together with Swiss research partners.


Last modification 14.03.2024

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Coordinator Switzerland

Larissa Beutler
+41 58 467 16 05


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