Participate in an Innovation Booster

Innovation Boosters are active in a wide range of themes. As a researcher, entrepreneur, player in the economy, in politics or simply an end user, you can participate in the activities of all initiatives that interest and are relevant to you.

The aim is to identify and explore problems within interdisciplinary teams in order to develop novel solutions together. Participating allows you to:

  • Meet new partners
  • Explore problems with user-centric methods
  • Learn how to develop more radical innovation ideas
  • Obtain funding and support to test your idea
  • Learn from the outcomes in order to reshape your idea if necessary

Find out about current calls and events

Find out more about the Innovation Booster that interest you

Last modification 05.07.2024

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Knowledge and Technology Transfer

Emile Dupont

Rahel Herren

Angelina Keller

Samuel Lengen

Tel. +41 58 461 38 81


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Patent research

End of free services with the Federal Institute of Intellectual Property (IPI)

The patent search services previously offered free of charge to Innosuisse applicants via the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property have been discontinued.

However, costs associated with research into intellectual property issues may still be covered as part of the direct project costs chargeable for approved applications from the following funding schemes:

  • Innovation projects with or without partners
  • Innovation projects for start-ups
  • Swiss Accelerator