Submit application


What is included in the Scale-up Coaching

Scale-up Coaching grants you a voucher worth up to CHF 75,000 for coaching sessions with Innosuisse accredited coaches over a period of up to 24 months.  

Call for applications

It is only possible to apply for the Scale-up Coaching voucher within a valid time period (call period).

Scale-up Coaching-call-web

Currently there is no open call for Scale-up Coaching applications. During a call period, the link to the registration form is published here. Sign up for the Innosuisse Newsletter to be informed about next opportunities and more.


In order to be eligible for Scale-up Coaching, your start-up must meet the following requirements:

  • Company founded in accordance with Swiss law within the last ten years 
  • Innovative and science-based product or service
  • Business has high market potential and is defendable (IP, expertise, speed to market, etc.)
  • Business model is scalable and executed by an ambitious team of at least five FTEs with the potential to achieve the growth objectives

What your application should include

The application is to be submitted online following the link in a published call and should include:

  • Description of the innovative business and the motivation/vision driving it
  • Value proposition of offered product/service and explanation of USPs and competitive advantage
  • Market overview including key market drivers, addressable market size and competitor analysis
  • Business plan featuring general company status, details on operations, financial projections and funding status
  • Description of the team and their commitment and company growth plans including board members and advisors
  • Business achievements so far
  • SWOT and gap analysis
  • Growth strategy and execution plan including goals with defined measurable metrics and milestones
  • Investor pitch deck and company presentation

Application platform Innosuisse

Submit application

Do you meet the requirements? Then enter your application following the instructions in a published call for Scale-up Coaching application.

You will need to register on our application platform and can go directly to the Scale-up Coaching application form after logging in.

After the application has been submitted, Innosuisse will start the evaluation process.

Frequently asked questions

Last modification 28.06.2024

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Start-up Coaching

Alexandra Musy

+41 58 485 64 55


Print contact

Scale-up Coaching-webinar-web


A webinar on the Scale-up Coaching Call 2024 took place on 28 May. The video is available in replay here (password: Inno4Suisse).

FAQ about Innosuisse

Questions & answers

You will find the answers to frequently asked questions about innovation projects, start-up coaching and other Innosuisse instruments here.


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