Start-up Coaching

Innosuisse understands the importance of a diverse and inclusive ecosystem and works tirelessly to strengthen and develop the Swiss start-up landscape.

By joining the Innosuisse Start-up Coaching, you can benefit from reliable advice and potential referrals from investors and business partners by experienced entrepreneurs and experts.

The Start-up Coaching is aimed at young companies and their founders. It offers three different programmes, each focusing on specific development aspects in a way that is tailored to each start-up and comes with a voucher for the corresponding amount and validity period.

Initial Coaching

Initial Coaching is the entry point to the Innosuisse Start-up Coaching. The programme is limited to a maximum of twelve months and gives you the opportunity to review and develop your business model and business planning in terms of market viability and to have the development stage of your company assessed, whether it is still in planning or has already been established. It aims to identify weaknesses in your business idea and define an action plan for upcoming challenges. Completion of the Initial Coaching programme is a prerequisite and helps to prepare for possible Core Coaching.

Core Coaching

Core Coaching is a follow-up to the Initial Coaching. The programme is limited to a maximum of 36 months and gives you the opportunity to refine your strategy, structure your organisation, enter the market and get expert advice on relevant topics like IP, financial planning, legal aspects or fund raising.

Innosuisse Certificate
If you successfully complete the Core Coaching, you can also request the Innosuisse Certificate confirming that your start-up is ready for sustainable growth.

Scale-up Coaching

Scale-up Coaching is a programme designed for ambitious start-ups with very high growth potential. Its main objective is to help you refine and implement your growth strategy.

The programme is split in two phases and limited to a maximum of 24 months. It is an opportunity for you to review and implement your approach, with targeted support to establish scalable processes along with an adapted organisational structure. In addition, you can get help with your networking, financing and internationalisation activities.

It is only possible to apply for this coaching voucher within a valid time period (call period).

Innosuisse coaches

Last modification 04.07.2024

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Start-up Coaching

Alexandra Musy

+41 58 485 64 55


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Application platform Innosuisse

Innosuisse application platforms

The Innosuisse platforms are used to submit and manage applications to Innosuisse. Project partners and start-ups can submit applications. Innosuisse members can access the projects and cases assigned to them.

FAQ about Innosuisse

Questions & answers

You will find the answers to frequently asked questions about innovation projects, start-up coaching and other Innosuisse instruments here.


News from Swiss start-ups

All about Swiss start-ups. Startupticker is the source of information for this ecosystem. Find out more about the successes of start-ups, the most important events or training offers and support programmes.

Patent research

End of free services with the Federal Institute of Intellectual Property (IPI)

The patent search services previously offered free of charge to Innosuisse applicants via the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property have been discontinued.

However, costs associated with research into intellectual property issues may still be covered as part of the direct project costs chargeable for approved applications from the following funding schemes:

  • Innovation projects with or without partners
  • Innovation projects for start-ups
  • Swiss Accelerator