Energy Funding Programme 2013-2020: Final Report and evaluation

Developing and implementing solutions to pressing issues relating to the energy transition in Switzerland: This was the aim of the Energy Funding Programme, which was managed by Innosuisse and concluded at the end of 2020 after a period of eight years. The core element was the establishment and management of eight Swiss Competence Centers for Energy Research (SCCERs) in seven action areas.

Since 2014, the Competence Centers have developed numerous solutions for the technical, social and political challenges relating to the Energy Strategy 2050. By bringing together academia and practice, they have made an important contribution to the transfer of knowledge and technology.

Innosuisse supported the SCCERs, the joint activities and innovation projects in the field of energy with a total of over 250 million Swiss francs over the eight years.

Media release from 17.12.2020
Interview with Adriano Nasciuti (President of the Steering Committee) on the conclusion

Over 1,500 projects launched
Since 2014, more than 1,300 researchers have been working at the SCCERs each year on average. They have launched more than 1,500 projects over the life of the funding programme. Partners from business and the community have participated in around 900 projects.

Some project highlights can be found here
Interview with Gianfranco Guidati (Head of the Joint Activity JASM)

Final Report published
At the end of the Energy Funding Programme, Innosuisse published a Final Report in July 2021 summarising the objectives, activities, and results of the SCCERs and joint activities. The report was written by the experts who accompanied the SCCERs during their existence.

Final Report (PDF, 2 MB, 19.07.2021)
Recommendations based onthe SCCERs and Joint Activitiesresearch findings (PDF, 471 kB, 14.12.2021)
Executive Summary (PDF, 107 kB, 19.07.2021)
Key figures for the Funding Programme (PDF, 268 kB, 19.07.2021)

Evaluation of the Funding Programme
Innosuisse has commissioned the two organisations Interface in Lucerne and the Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft in Graz to carry out an evaluation of the impact of the completed funding programme. The evaluation includes an examination of the three measures (operation of the SCCER, promotion of innovation projects in the field of energy and joint activities). The focus is on assessing the short, medium and, where possible, long-term impact and its contribution to the objectives of the action plan. The evaluation team is also to assess the design and implementation of the programme. The results are expected in 2022.

Links to accompanying research 2017-2019

About the Energy Funding Programme
Innosuisse supported the following eight SCCERs over the course of eight years:

  • Future Energy-Efficient Buildings & Districts (SCCER FEEB&D)
  • Efficiency of Industrial Processes (SCCER EIP)
  • Future Swiss Electrical Infrastructure (SCCER-FURIES)
  • Heat & Electricity Storage (SCCER HaE)
  • Supply of Electricity (SCCER-SoE)
  • Competence Centre for Research in Energy, Society, and Transition (SCCER CREST)
  • Mobility (SCCER Mobility)
  • Biomass for Swiss Energy Future (SCCER BIOSWEET)

Last modification 27.05.2022

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Energy Funding Programme

Kathrin Kramer
+41 58 462 00 74


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Final Report and evaluation

At the end of the Energy Funding Programme, Innosuisse published a Final Report in July 2021 summarising the objectives, activities, and results of the SCCERs and joint activities. The report was written by the experts who accompanied the SCCERs during their existence.

Final Report (PDF, 2 MB, 19.07.2021)