Annual magazine and reporting

Find more information on the funding business in Innosuisse's annual magazines and annual reports.

Annual report and financial statement 2023

Geschäftsbericht von Innosuisse 2023

The annual report comprises the annual financial statements and the management report.

Annual magazine Discover 2023

Thumbnail for annual magazine Discover 2023

Insights into the work of Innosuisse in 2023 as well as facts and figures.

Annual report and financial statement 2022

Thumbnail für den Geschäftsbericht 2022

The annual report comprises the annual financial statements and the management report.

Annual magazine Discover 2022

Thumbnail for annual magazine Discover 2022

Insights into the work of Innosuisse in 2022 as well as facts and figures.

Annual report and financial statement 2021

Thumbnail für den Geschäftsbericht 2021

The annual report comprises the annual financial statements and the management report.

Annual magazine Discover 2021

Thumbnail for annual magazine Discover 2021

Insights into the work of Innosuisse in 2021 as well as facts and figures.

Annual report and financial statement 2020

Thumbnail for annual report and financial statement 2020

The annual report (in German) comprises the annual financial statements and the management report.

Annual magazine Discover 2020

Thumbnail for annual magazine Discover 2020

Insights into the work of Innosuisse in 2020 as well as facts and figures.

Annual magazine Discover 2019

Thumbnail for annual magazine Discover 2019

Insights into the work of Innosuisse in 2019 as well as facts and figures.

Annual report and financial statement 2019

Thumbnail for annual report and financial statement 2019

The annual report comprises the annual financial statements and the management report.

Annual magazine Discover 2018

Thumbnail for annual magazine Discover 2018

Insights into the work of Innosuisse in 2018 as well as facts and figures.

Annual report and financial statement 2018

Thumbnail for annual report and financial statement 2018

The annual report (in German) comprises the annual financial statements and the management report.

Last modification 09.02.2022

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